Glen Lednock Wind Farm

Community Feedback

Please place a tick if you agree with the following statement:

What is your postcode?

(this helps us to identify which areas have responded)

What is your age group?

Did you attend a public or virtual exhibition?

Were the exhibition materials clear and informative?

If you attended in-person, was the venue a good choice for the exhibition?

Are you supportive of electricity from renewable power?

Do you think onshore wind power is a good method of power generation?

Are you interested in Community Shared Ownership of the wind farm?

Did you get all of the information you were after?

Are you supportive of the wind farm plans we presented?

Please share your overall comments on our proposals to develop Glen Lednock Wind Farm

Please use the box below for additional space if required

We would like to keep you updated on news and activity for the Glen Lednock Wind Farm. If you agree to being contacted, please provide your personal details below.