
Glen Lednock Wind Farm

Low Carbon is proposing a new wind farm, to be known as Glen Lednock Wind Farm, located southwest of Loch Lednock Reservoir in Glen Lednock on the Invergeldie Estate, approximately 2.8km north of St. Fillans and 8km northwest of Comrie in Perthshire. It will be located entirely within Perth and Kinross Local Authority Area.

In Development

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Glen Lednock Wind Farm

Craig Cunningham

Senior Project Development Manager

Low Carbon is proposing a new wind farm, to be known as Glen Lednock Wind Farm, located southwest of Loch Lednock Reservoir in Glen Lednock on the Invergeldie Estate, approximately 2.8km north of St. Fillans and 8km northwest of Comrie in Perthshire. It will be located entirely within Perth and Kinross Local Authority Area.

The project will generate greater than 50 megawatts (MW).

A Scoping submission to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit seeking consultees opinions on the scope of environmental assessments was made in November 2023.

View the Scoping submission and the Energy Consents Unit’s Scoping Opinion here:

Scottish Government (Energy Consents Unit) application

The land is owned by Oxygen Conservation. Their vision for the estate is to achieve positive environmental and social impact through a diverse range of activities, including renewable energy generation.

To further understand why they are exploring wind at Invergeldie, please find out more in the Landowner section.

Contact Us

Proposed Development

The Proposed Development is expected to consist of up to 25 stand-alone, three bladed horizontal axis turbines, although the number and location of the turbines is yet to be finalised and will be subject to an ongoing iterative design process as baseline survey data is gathered.

Any predicted environmental effects arising from the Proposed Development will be mitigated as far as reasonably possible. Where necessary, additional specific mitigation measures will be committed to further reduce adverse effects during the construction, operational and decommissioning phases of the development.

Low Carbon champions biodiversity as a critical milestone on the journey towards a low-carbon future and is committed to including within the Proposed Development a comprehensive land and biodiversity management programme, aligned to the unique conditions and circumstances of the site.

Benefits of Low Carbon Development

Across our portfolio of renewable energy projects, we have championed biodiversity as a critical milestone on the journey towards a low-carbon future.

Onshore wind is one of the cheapest sources of electricity in the UK. Cheaper to produce than gas, nuclear, coal and other renewables. Wind resource is plentiful in Scotland and can be utilised to provide security of supply and add to the renewable energy generation mix.

Key Project documents

In this section, you will find key information about the project which you able to download and view or print.

Glen Lednock Wind Farm Site Location


Indicative Site Layout


Landscape Designations and Wild Land


Peatland Mapping


The Global Climate Emergency - Scotland's Response

Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham's statement – Published 14th May 2019:

“Scotland’s response to the climate emergency must be hardwired into our national psyche. We must take this journey together, seize the economic opportunities available to us and redefine what world leadership means, not just as a government but as a country. Scotland has declared a global climate emergency and now Scotland must act as one to safeguard our planet for future generations.”

Onshore wind: policy statement 2022 – Published 21st December 2022:

“This statement, which is the culmination of an extensive consultative process with industry, our statutory consultees and the public, sets an overall ambition of 20 GW of installed onshore wind capacity in Scotland by 2030.”

Virtual Exhibition

We hope this information provides an overview of our current proposals which are at an early stage and will be refined as further studies, site surveys and stakeholder and community engagement is undertaken.

As new information becomes available we will update this section of our website.

Please note: Any comments made to Low Carbon at this stage are not representations to the Scottish Ministers. If Low Carbon submits an application in relation to the Proposed Development, there will be an opportunity to make representations to Scottish Ministers during the statutory consultation period after the formal submission.

1 of 16 · Double click on an image to zoom in and out
What are we consulting on?
What are we consulting on?
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Why here?
Why here?
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How a Wind Farm works
How a Wind Farm works
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Environmental Benefits
Environmental Benefits
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Community Benefit
Community Benefit
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7 of 16 · Double click on an image to zoom in and out
Development process
Development process
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Site Location
Site Location
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Environmental Designations
Environmental Designations
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Indicative Site Layout
Indicative Site Layout
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Landscape Character Types
Landscape Character Types
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Landscape Designations and Wild Land
Landscape Designations and Wild Land
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ZTV Hub Height with Proposed Viewpoints
ZTV Hub Height with Proposed Viewpoints
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Peat Interpolation
Peat Interpolation
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ZTV Blade Tips with Proposed Viewpoints (new upload 15 Nov 23)
ZTV Blade Tips with Proposed Viewpoints (new upload 15 Nov 23)
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What are we consulting on?
Why here?
How a Wind Farm works
Environmental Benefits
Community Benefit
Development process
Site Location
Environmental Designations
Indicative Site Layout
Landscape Character Types
Landscape Designations and Wild Land
ZTV Hub Height with Proposed Viewpoints
Peat Interpolation
ZTV Blade Tips with Proposed Viewpoints (new upload 15 Nov 23)

The Landowners, Oxygen Conservation

We are a team of incredibly passionate environmentalists on a mission to Scale Conservation, delivering positive environmental and social impact first, and financial return as result not the purpose of what we do. Working with Low Carbon, we have identified an opportunity for generating wind energy at Invergeldie, and plan to explore this further over the coming months and years.

Why Wind?

Climate change is the most significant threat to biodiversity worldwide. If we cannot find a way to end our reliance on fossil fuels, we will no longer have a future on this planet. Wind farms produce clean and renewable energy, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Revenue generated from wind farms allows reinvestment in conservation, and funds can be used to support habitat restoration, species protection (and reintroduction), and a transition to regenerative land management. Wind farms also create jobs, as well as opportunities to collaborate with local communities to create benefit sharing agreements that deliver financial benefits as well as better infrastructure and access to the natural environment.

We recognise that the development of wind energy can cause disruption and damage. We are committed to taking every step to make sure that the potential negative impacts of any wind development on one of our estates are avoided or minimised where possible. We also make sure that any such developments are integrated into a wider masterplan for the site which delivers environmental restoration at scale, creating significantly more positive impacts than negative ones. While we recognise that this is not a perfect solution, we don’t believe we have the luxury of finding perfect solutions, and we believe that we owe it to the next generation to do what we can to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss.

Why Now?

Our masterplan for Invergeldie will involve exploring the potential for wind, alongside large scale woodland creation and peatland restoration. It is still in the process of being mapped out, and is likely to change (and change again) in the coming 12 months as we learn more about the site through surveys, data collection, and the feedback you provide through the consultation process.

We are starting these conversations now as a first step to exploring whether wind is possible at our Invergeldie Estate. We want to take an integrated approach to managing the Estate which delivers lasting environmental, social, and economic benefits. This means exploring opportunities for renewables, regenerative agriculture, habitat restoration, species protection and reintroduction, ecotourism, and sustainable development of new homes and buildings.

It is important to have these discussions early to explore how these aims can be integrated together, and to discuss the potential benefits and address the potential negative impacts of wind at Invergeldie. Our aim at the end of this process is to deliver a vision for the site which helps to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as creating clean energy and jobs for the future.